Monday, December 20, 2010

Combat Patrol 2010 Krystal Keep Results

My list:
Veterans Mg, Flx2 ; Chimera HF
Veterans Mg, Flx2 ; Chimera HF
PBS x6 ; Chimera HF

First round Win: Most units in other deployment - Pitched Battle

DC 8 Bolter, 7 Bolt pistol/CCW
I deployed scattered across the board width. He deployed central.
Walked his Rage around the board with Chimera placement and shot him by PBS in his deployment.
He had 2 DC left.

Second round Win: Capture Control - Spearhead

10 Firewarriors ; Devilfish Dpod, Multitracker
10 Firewarriors ; Devilfish Dpod, Multitracker
Shas'el TL Mpod, Stim injector Drone Controller - 2 Shield Drones

I held Vet, PBS and Hydra on my base and moved other Vet forward. He deployed his 2 Devilfish on his objective and flanked right with his Leader.
Almost a draw, he was 3.25 inches from contesting. I killed his Leader and nothing else.

Third round Win: Annihilation - Spearhead

12 Boyz Rocket ; Truck
Warbuggies x3 (squadron)
Bikers x3 with Nob Biker

I deployed corner and left flank. He deployed at the line.
I think he had Powerklaws on Boyz and Bikers.
After he rushed his first turn and I didn't kill much I thought I was done. When he hit my Chimera and after all his glances and pens...he shook them. Hello Flamers...good to see you again, meet Orks!
His Bikers didn't like the Hydra and everything else didn't like the Flamers.

Fourth round Win: Single Objective Center - Attacker has 6" around table to deploy, Defender around Central Objective.

All Genestealers, he was defender and he said he was Infiltrating, so I set up each Chimera on each side denying him 18" Infiltration. There was very little LOS blocking terrain but there was alot of terrain. I called the TO over after I deployed about the predicament. TO said to Keebler, "You lose"...his face was epic. We played it anyway as if he deployed 3 squads center and outflanked the other 2...

Genestealers x5 Scything Talons
Genestealers x6
Genestealers x8
Genestealers x8
Genestealers x8

I shot up the 3 squads in center on my turn. He had 2 Nids left which were running, thanks to PBS.
His turn 2 had one squad contact a Chimera, the other fall short on the Hydra.
He destroyed the Chimera and Emergency disembarked the Vets, none died.
I shot the Hydra squad and PBS...they ran. The Chimera squad flamer and assaulted killed 4 in CC, losing none and then finished the other 2 in CC.

Fifth round was my doom - Loss: Annihilation - Spearhead

Hive Guard x2 Impaler Cannons Str 8 AP 4 24" ignore cover and LOS and all sorts of other BS
Hive Guard x2
Gaunts x16
Zoes x2
Genestealers x7

I killed nothing. He popped all 3 Chimeras and 1 Vet. When his Genestealers assaulted my Hydra 3 died in the explosion. I conceded turn 3 when he had more KP's from me than he had to give up.

Oh well, nice tourney, good games.


  1. "Impaler Cannons Str 8 AP 4 24" {2x shots} ignore cover and LOS and all sorts of other BS"

    I wouldn't go so far as to say 'all sorts of other' pretty much nailed it with the rest of the sentence. ;)

  2. HOOPLAH! I say...damn Nids are almost as bad as ORKS.

    Did I ever mention I hate ORKS???

    Seriously though, don't you think the Hive Guard's weapon might be a little overpowered???

  3. Not really.
    They were a natural 'balancing' progression (in response to the over-meching of 5e), and a NECESSITY for the 'Nids.
    Tyranids have little true anti-tank outside of CC, and their best anti-armour in CC is the Carnifex...which is a bit overcosted.
    Range makes them mitigation of them relatively easy, as does a 2 wound profile and max unit size of 3...not to mention competing with other prime choices in the elites section.

    Your encounter was at a lower points value, with a 4x4 environment. It made them shine, as opposed to simply being a cog in a larger functioning machine...a machine most would agree is short-legged in the current tourney environ.


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