Thursday, February 9, 2012

Epic Loot Combat Patrol 1/28 - Results and Battle Reports

Epic Loot had a 400 pt Combat Patrol to prep for Adepticon. They used the 2011 Missions.
There was a decent turnout with 12 diversified armies.
Orks -2
Grey Knights - 2
Black Templar - 1
Chaos Marines - 1
Imperial Guard - 1
Tau -1
Dark Eldar - 1
Daemons - 1
Space Wolves - 1
Necrons - 1

I took Grey Knights, plan was to play to the Missions and not the opponents.

My list:
GKSS x10 Psybolt Ammo, Justicar NDH, Psycannon x2
Purgation x5 Incinerator x4 ; Psyback

3 KP
1-2 Scoring

I wanted to test out the viability of GKSS in small scale games without using Psychic abilities. DS for entry and then controlling the field. I have played with the Purgation Incinerators before and loved them...they performed as expected every game, the Psyback is used to protect and transport them to the fight. I knew I would be ok with only 1-2 units with a Vehicle punch because the Mech would be small...Kan Walls would be there though.

Armies in Game 1: (The ones I could a get pic of...)

Game 1 vs Tau [Mark Graham]
Mission: The Lay of the Land

Tau list:
FW x10
FW x9
FW x9
Crisis Suits x2 - TLPlasma, Flamer


He won the roll and chose the side with more cover. Deploying all 3 FW units. Crisis Suits in Reserve.

I deployed the Purgation out of his 30" range refused flank right. GKSS in Reserve.

I failed to Seize...

Turn 1:
He moved the left units up a little. His right unit was out of range.

I moved Psyback up 12" and hid from his left units behind the center piece, hoping his right unit couldn't get much.

Turn 2:
No Reserves.
His right unit was on fire...hitting and glancing. Left units shuffled.

My Reserves came in, Combat Squad and with favorable scatters.
Each unit dropped a few Warriors from left and right side...looks good going into turn 3.
I got the Purgations out and hoofed to the center.
Smoked Psyback.

Turn 3:
No Reserves.
His shooting is great. He reduces the left GKSS to 1, losing Psycannon and NDH and right GKSS to 2, still have 1 Psycannon.

I moved Purgation up keeping to cover.
Psyback took some FW out.
I moved left lone GKSS up and into Assault, losing CC.
I moved right GKSS up, shooting and then assaulting, winning CC but they stick.

Turn 4:
No Reserves.
His left shooting took out 1 Incinerator.
His right unit lost CC and GKSS took the cover.

Concentrated Flamer and shooting reduced him down to 2 FW's in cover.

Turn 5:
Crisis auto arrive but his scatter is crap putting them out of range and out of the game.
His shooting does nothing.

I clear the FW's and take the terrain.

We call it and I win with 29/30 pts.

I am tied for 1st going into Round 2.

Game 2 vs Orks [Mike Tuchfarber]
Mission - Establishing a Forward Base

Ork list:
Big Mek KFF, PK
Boyz x20 Nob PK [His list said Choppa/Slugga, his models were Shootas]
Kans x3 Grotzookas x3

He won the roll and chose his side, lazy Ork!
I deployed GKSS 2 Psycannon in bottom terrain around obj, GKSS  top in front of Purgations. Psyback top right of deployment zone.

I failed to Seize.

Turn 1:
He shuffled towards center.
His Kans wiped the GKSS with Grotzookas.

I moved Purgations up.
Moved Psyback down.
Psycannon shook and took off 1 weapon from Kans.

Turn 2:
He shuffled towards center.
His Kans took out 1 Purgation.

I moved Purgations towards him, Flamed and killed a few but was 1" short of assault.
Moved Psyback towards center and shook the Kans.
Psycannons took off a weapon from Kans.

Turn 3:
He moved Boyz towards Purgations.
He moved Kans towards GKSS.
Shooting and assault wiped the Purgations.

I moved Psyback down.
Psyback popped a Kan and Shook another.
GKSS shooting and assault wiped the Boyz down to 2 with Nob.

Turn 4:
He wiped the GKSS and consolidated toward my obj.
His Kans exploded the Psyback with one shot...he rolled a 6 direct hit, 6 pen and 6 result...yay!

He won with a wipe. I believe he got 29 pts...I got a big goose egg.

Game 3 vs Space Wolves [Kevin Kirby]
Mission - Destroy that which is Important

Space Wolves list:
GH x5 Flamer ; Razorback Las/Plas
GH x5 Flamer, PW ; Razorback TL HB
LF x4 ML x4
If anyone has ever played Kevin Kirby they know he is a long time Veteran and a great player.
I knew this would be a Tactical game and not a shootout.

I won the roll and chose my side due to fire lanes and blocking LOS.
Deployed the GKSS as 1 unit strung along my 12". My Commander is GKSS Justicar with Hammer.
Purgations in Psyback hiding behind terrain in case of Seize...

He deploys LF in top center terrain. His Commander is the LF Squad leader.
Las/Plas GH behind the terrain the LF are in at top.
TL HB GH behind terrain top his hand.

Kevin Seizes!

Turn 1:
His shooting takes out 3 GKSS, they stick.

I moved GKSS up towards center left.
Moved Psyback to left of terrain.
My shooting wiped the LF squad and his Commander. Yay! [He couldn't roll a 3+ for anything]

Turn 2:
He moved TL HB GH down right side.
He moved Las/Plas GH to the left top.
His shooting was ineffective.

I moved GKSS towards his obj staying behind blocking LOS.
Moved Psyback up.
Shooting was a shaken TL HB Razorback.

Turn 3:
He moved TLHB GH down right side towards my obj and smoked.
His Las/Plas wrecked my Psyback, Purgations ok.

I moved the Purgations up towards his obj and ran.
I repositioned the GKSS so the Psycannons would have fire lanes to TL HB GH but keeping them behind blocking LOS.
Shooting immobilized the TL HB Razorback and stunned the Las/Plas. Psybolt ammo is GREAT, 2 hits, 1 glance, 1 result.

Turn 4:
GH unit got out of TL HB and moved to shoot the GKSS.
GH flamer got out of Las/Plas and moved to shoot the Purgations.
He shot the GKSS and I removed the right models to deny his Assault. But they broke and ran back out of range of anything.
He shot the Purgations and I didn't lose enough to deny the Assault.

I auto-rallied the GKSS and moved 9" towards PW GH unit, he didn't expect it.
Shooting and assault wiped the GH. Consolidating towards my obj.
The Purgations wiped the GH top and consolidated towards his obj.

Turn 5:
He moved TL HB over to get shots at Purgations.
Combined TL HB and Las/Plas Shooting left 1 Purgation in the open GONE to GROUND!

I didn't move.
Shooting popped the TL HB. Razorback.

He rolled a 1 to end right pink die.

A great game, but gave me the WIN...Draw on Primary, Win on Secondary, 21/30 pts.
Thanks Kevin.

Game 4 vs Orks [Nick Savage]
Mission - Head of the Snake

Ork list:
Big Mek KFF
Boyz x20 Shootas, Big Shoota, Nob PK, Bosspole
Kans x3 Rokkits x3

I played Nick in the last Combat Patrol, he is a new player but is learning quickly!
His Painting is great and he has won a few Best Painted awards.

I won the roll and chose first and side.
I deployed GKSS just shy of the 24" mark expecting to take it to him early on and hopfully get him cornered.
I hid the Purgations Psyback behind LOS but in quick range of a move and flame...

He deployed centrally.

[At the end of the game I told him he should have deployed to the left to mitigate my Purgations for a few turns.]

Close up of Kans

Turn 1:
I moved the Purgations a little.
My shooting shook and took a weapon off the Kans.

He moved and ran the Kans up to the line.
He moved the Boyz up and KFF in range of the Kans.

[At the end of the game I told him he should have kept the Boyz back behind the Kans]

Turn 2:
I moved the GKSS up in terrain towards his Boyz.
I moved the Psyback 12" and got Purgations out within an inch or two of his Boyz.
I concentrated shooting on his Boyz and wiped them to 1 or 2, killing the Big Mek...failed the assault with the GKSS.

He moved the Kans up.
His Boyz assaulted the Purgations. Purgations wiped the Boyz and consolidated towards the Kans.
His Kans assaulted the GKSS, I popped a Kan and Shook them, he killed a few GKSS but they stick.

Turn 3:
I held the Purgations back in case he won CC.
GKSS continued to Shake the Kans and lost a few more, but they stick.

Turn 4:
I moved Psyback away from CC in case he broke the GKSS.
I moved the Purgations up to help with CC.
Purgations and GKSS continued to Shake the Kans, he killed 1 GKSS.

I continued to Shake the Kans and pop some weapons. He killed 1 GKSS.

Turn 5:
I continued to Shake the Kans, he whiffed.

I popped a Kan and Shook the other Kan, he whiffed.

It came down to 1 armless Shaken Kan against 5 Kraks and a NDH. The Kan lost.

I wiped him and got a WIN with 24/30 pts.
Another great game.
Thanks Nick.

1st Imperial Guard [Brice Blair - ML] 119 pts
2nd Necrons [Chris Bruel] 116 pts
3rd Black Templar [Nate Gould] 114 pts
4th Grey Knights [Edge - ML] 95 pts - Best Sportsman
5th Space Wolves [Kevin Kirby] 92 pts
6th Orks [Mike Tuchfarber] 82 pts
7th Tau [Mark Graham] 76 pts
8th Dark Eldar [Justin Cress] 73 pts
9th Orks [Nick Savage] 69 pts - Best Painted
10th Chaos Marines [Ken] 54 pts
11th Grey Knights [Jerry] 53 pts
12th Daemons [Will] 45 pts - Brick Award

Great Tourney, Great Day, Great Opponents!

1 comment:

  1. Horde armies are brutal at this level. Still, I have a lot of fun with my Grey Knights, and will be playing them at the next indy40k combat patrol tournament in March. Stay tuned!


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