Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aircav - Blood Angels Stormraven Tactica part 1

I thought I would put to the interwewbz my findings and tactics using the Blood Angels Stormraven (SR from here on).

I started the 'new' Blood Angels with the new codex release. I looked at what was different from the last, knew I didn't want Razorback spam and so decided to go with a Stormraven themed list. I have had much success and enjoyment after many trial and error games. I have tried one, two and three SR's and like a list with three of them. I will post pictures as soon as life allows me to do so.

I have placed in many tourneys and took 2nd in 2010 'Ard Boyz Prelim's and 3rd in Semi's using three Stormravens.

I will post some of the Army lists I used that I feel were successful and the list I use most often.

Gearing towards a three SR's build, the tactic is pretty simple. The support elements you add is what makes it challenging. My local metagame is Mech IG, Space Wolves, Chaos, Nids and Orks - in that order.
My hardest opponents have been well built Mech IG and MC Nids. Orks are as always up in the air, I roll them or they roll me.

Games versus Mech and shooty armies:
Hopefully I go second...
The two opponent types here will always want to go first or if I win the roll I let them go first.
Never steal initiative!

Except DoW where I would simply roll onto the board turn 1, I reserve everything then I roll onto the board bottom turn 2.

Turn 2:
For the Reserve game the opponent has lost two rounds of shooting and did some movement to get to what they think is 'in position'. If you are lucky they pop smoke at the end of turn 1 and then you say "ok, my turn 1, go..." the look they give is worth it sometimes.

Assuming a full reserve and ignoring my support elements for now, I almost always get one SR in on turn 2; I usually get two, and I have had three come in twice.

Assuming I get two on bottom of turn 2...the most likely scenario by experience.
I give my SR's the TypML, TLLasC, SSHurB and they come with 4 Bloodstrikes. The Bloodstrike is S8 AP1...I love it! - 255 pts
They are loaded with Assault Troops and Furioso Dreads.
I position them 6" in and at close to max range of 48" so I can fire everything. 48" or longer range is nice.
Remember they have PotMS, so target two untis with each SR.

I like to split the board and get as many side shots as possible. I work the table taking out what can take me out.

I look for Dev squads, Long Fangs, Lootas, IG Heavy Weapons, whatever the oppponent has as LR shooty in cover. If they don't go to ground they usually die. If they do go to ground I am safe for a turn.

IG is pretty easy, I leave the Chimeras alone unless that is all they have. I look for squadrons, they go first...cover saves are worth the risk to blow up two Hydras or Basilisks in one shot...then Vendettas.
It is your call on this but I try to kill a squadron with the brunt of my fire - 4 Bloodstrikes and TypML; and then target the Vendetta with the TLLasC. Remember each Bloodstrike is a separate weapon system, so moving 6" you fire 4 BS and TypML at one target and then TLLasC at another (or swap the TLLasC and TypML).
It has worked out for me and remember there are three of these SR's...

Bottom of turn 2, two SR's came in and destroyed 4 elements. If they have cover saves, three are usually dead. My support sometimes picks up a few as well.

Turn 3:
Ideally they should have very little that pen AV12 and is in range...remember 6" move and in the corner or at max range of 48". They still have to hit and pen...I rarely lose one here but if I do they have already done most of what I needed them to do.

Bottom of turn 3, I usually get the remaining elements, rolling a 3+ is quite good. I repeat the above step for the fresh SR and move the SR's already on the board 12" if I am assaulting or 24" to get close or in cover. Moving 12" you can still fire TLLasC at one target and then the TypML and SSHurB at another. Moving 24" you can fire one weapon. With the resulting carnage from all three SR's there is usually very little left in the way of armor for my opponent. Remember I have support elements as well.

Turn 4:
The opponent should have very little left to shoot down the SR or it is out of range or tied up in combat. Either way if the SR's can survive turn 3 they are there are for the rest of the game.

Bottom of turn 4, I clean up what Troops are on objectives and get mine ready to take them.

Turn 5:
Most of the opponents elements should be in combat or running.

Bottom of turn 5 is Objective grab/contest or KP cleanup.

I will post some more later and include the army list and how I use the support elements.



  1. Very interesting Sandman,always good to know whats going on in your oppenents head.

  2. Agreed, I have felt the brunt of this list, but knowing how you like to run it helps for when I go up against it again. Thanks Edge.


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