Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ard Boyz Semi's - Games 2d4

The 3rd place from Prelims dropped out and I was up next as the alternate. I only had 3 days to plan the list and I knew I would not get any practice games in, I was excited to go but anxious about the list because honestly I had discounted attending the Semi's.

I went out to Games 2d4 in Avon, IN with two club members and met up with 3 more, it was a good drive out and I had 3 great games.

The venue was great, the player base solid and the TO was great!
Thanks Dodger3 from theback40k!
The only disparity was terrain, it could have been a little more dense and universal on the tables.

I took Vanilla Marines and built my list to play the Missions.
I found out in my last game against Mech IG, I didn't bring enough 'punch'...oh well.

I ended up in 14th out of 40 players and was happy with the list and my performance.

2500 pts:
Libby TermA SS GOI and Null Zone
TermA x10 - LCx5, TH/SSx5
Master of the Forge Harness
5x Tactical Squads x10 Flamer, MM; Rhino (2 had Homers, 3 Rhinos had Dozers)
3x MM Attack Bikes
5x Rifleman Dreads

Game 1 vs Diamond Dickie (Martial Law) - Space Wolves
He went first.
His list was half Droppod and half MSU Grey Hunters.
He dropped in front of my quarter and gave me 1600 pts of VP.
I lost my Messenger turn 1, he lost 2/3 of his list by turn 3. Time was called on turn 4 before he could get his Messenger into my deployment zone.

Minor Victory for me.

Game 2 vs Eric Pruneda - Tau
He went first.
His list was solid but he waited toooooooo long to push for the center and didn't concentrate fire on a unit.
His Devilfish didn't come in because the game ended on turn 4.
I was hesitant about his list because of all the Crisis Suits and Plasma...

I combat squaded everything and had 8 scoring units to his 0 in the center by turn 4.

Massacre Victory for me.

Game 3 vs Duncan Kendall (Rusty Scabbard) - Mech IG
He went first.
His list was solid, his deployment was solid, his dice were solid.
I should have reserved everything but didn't. He rolled KP and was 8-1 before his turn 3.
It ended up 12 - 7 KP

Massacre loss for me.

Best game of the day, thanks Duncan. He ended up in 3rd.

I didn't go first any game and failed to seize all day.

It made for a long day 530am to wife wasn't too happy but life goes on.


  1. Thank you Edge. I've got to say, that game against you was the most fun game I have had playing 40k in a long time. Great game, and a great opponent. If you ever swing through Lexington, let me know, we'll get together and throw dice again!

  2. Thanks Duncan. I will try to get down to see you guys soon.


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