Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tyranids...the beginnings of a beautiful relationship

So after much thought and list building; I received feedback, reviewed it, listened to it, heard it, dismissed it and implemented it. I think I have it now...

...I finalized what I believe a solid list from the codex taking the models I like because of look, action or ability. This list should be competitive. I know it is not the end all be all.

2000 pts:
Hive Tyrant Hive Commander - ArmShell, TL Devourer, Hvy VenomC, Leech, Scream
Tervigon (Troop) - Talons, AG, TS, Catalyst, Onslaught
Termagants x10
Genestealers x4 - AG, TS ; Broodlord - Acid, Implant, Talons
Genestealers x4 - AG, TS ; Broodlord - Acid, Implant, Talons
Genestealers x4 - AG, TS ; Broodlord - Acid, Implant, Talons
Doom in Pod
Mawloc - Regen
Mawloc - Regen
Trygon Prime - Regen

I know there is limited LR shooting to de-mech...
I know there is limited unit layering...
I know there are issues...

I like suprise tactics.
I like unexpected games for both my opponent and myself.
I like to play non-conventional, non-traditional lists.

List Details-
12 KP
5-12 Troops
3 Broodlord Deliveries
Libby Nerf
Distraction units
Reserve Manipulation

List Goals-
This list is designed to play the Missions.
Something I have been working on in my list building.
My experience at tournies is that opponents have difficulty if they can't evaporate half your list by turn 2 or 3 and then lose the Mission. With half of my list coming in turn 2 or later I can mitigate some of their lists' effectiveness. With 5 MC's on the board at the beginning of turn 1 and then 3 by the end of it they have to put all of their shooting into those units. Essentially immune to small arms fire, cover saves and FNP help mitigate the S7+ low AP shots.
It doesn't matter if I go first.
It doesn't matter how much terrain is on the board.
It doesn't matter which Mission is played.

These are my thoughts for the list-
Deployment would typically be Tyrant and Prime up front. Prime reserve if needed.
Tervigon behind (spawning in non-KP games) giving Onslaught to Prime or FNP to either.
Mawloc on both flanks. Burrow turn 1 to come up turn 2.
Stealers Infiltrate or Outflank depending on first turn or opponent list. Should come in turn 2.
Termagants outflank, reserve or bubble-wrap. Should come in turn 2.
Deathleaper reserve. Should come in turn 2.
Doom reserve. Should come in turn 2. Pod blocks fire lanes and movement.

With limited de-mech shooting, getting to the midfield turn 1 is primary.
Attacking the backfield or hitting the opponent anywhere I want is part of the mechanic of the list.
I can handle Horde and Foot lists which I see often in my meta and at local tournies.
I can handle Orks which I have the most trouble with for whatever damn reason.
I can handle parking lots.
I can handle Jumpers.

Issues with AV14.
Issues with volume poison shooting (DE)
Issues with Fast armies (DE, Eldar)

What are your thoughts?
Am I way off base here?


  1. I am no expert on Nids, but here's my view on your list:

    Mawlocs only have a 33% chance to actually hit the thing youre targetting, if they scatter right next to their target they're not really all that scary anymore.

    Genestealers are far too vulnerable to small arms fire to take in small groups like this, cause of their 5+ save. With upgrades, these guys are 20 points each, which is 25% more than a Space Marine, with only half their chance of survival.

    MCs really arent that 'immune' to small arms fire either btw, couple of lucky 6s and there goes your 200+ point beasty.

    I think your list is really going to struggle with power armor, which seem to be 75% of the
    armies out there (depending on your local meta).

  2. Thanks for the input. I appreciate it. My meta is MEQ. I will have to get some trial games in mainly vs MEQ and MSU.

    Mawlocs Scatter - I have an uncanny ability to hit whenever I roll the scatter dice. I roll 5 scatter dice with the Executioner for IG and hit 3 of them and scatter very little for the other two...

    Genestealers - I know running a larger unit is better and it might even come down to that. They are really to get the 'Lone Wolf' Broodlord into their lines.

    Dice can be fickle I know but when they hit the table things don't always result as they should on paper.


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