Thursday, December 1, 2011

40K Indy Open GT - What to take?

There is the Indy Open GT coming up in a few months, this will be my first 2 day event.
I have gone to hundreds of tournies that had 3-5 games, 500 - 2500 pts.
Some WYSIWYG only, some 3 paint min, some had comp scores requiring a display board.
Placed top 3, top 10 and bottom of pack.

My question for those of you with GT experience is do I take:
An army that is 'great or best painted' and solid list OR
An army that is 'good paint' but more competitive list.

I have a few no particular order:

Khorne Daemons, great paint, competitive win against certain armies.

Imperial Guard, best paint, competitive list...prob my first choice.

Sisters of Battle, best paint, competitive win against certain armies.

Grey Knights, great paint, competitive list...prob my second choice.

Dark Eldar, great paint, competitive win against certain armies.

I guess some decision needs to be made soon so I can prep the display board...whaddya think?


  1. Two day events usually have a handful of guys that show up strictly for best painted so I wouldn't focus on that as much unless that is your only goal. There were armies at Nova for example insanely detailed every model to Ian quality or higher.

    Not saying you don't have a chance just saying your comp at a two day event is usually pretty high. Also running the gambit of 5 plus games means playing a army with few or no bad matchups. I would personally say take your guard. They look great and are still a solid force against the meta that will be there.

  2. Thanks Drkmorals, I think I will end up taking IG unless I can get my head around a solid GK list that doesn't fold to the IG list that is ready. Need some playtesting for it. You up for a game or two?

  3. Haha I just saw u posted a comment back lol it didn't subscribe me. Are you leaning toward a army yet?

  4. For a 2 day event I always say go with what you have that will be able to maximize your firepower best. As Drkmorals said, there will be people who do nothing but go for the painting score and to show off their coolness. Then there will be people with just armies designed to beat face that don't care about paint.

    My suggestion... go with the IG.

  5. @Duncan- of course you'd say go with IG =)

    I think I will end up taking IG, there are a few tournies in Jan and Feb...I'll use those as a testing ground for the list.

  6. Yeah, of course I would say go with IG, it's what I do. Especially when they are all a nice and pleasant shade of gray plastic.

    But, I've actually nearly got a completly painted army (other than my Blood Angels). I've been busy busting my tail on my Iron Warriors, honest!


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