Friday, February 18, 2011

KY Con II Battle Reports 2/12/11 Game 2 vs Deamons

My second game of the day was against Brady and his Fateweaver Deamons. In the end Fateweaver didn't give me that much trouble, it was Changeling that kept screwing me...

Brady's list as I remember:
DP Khorne
DP Tzeentch
Pink Horrors with Changeling 10+1
Khorne Bloodletters x10
Flamers x6
Plaguebearers x6

See my list here.

Mission was Sieze Ground - Pitched Battle 10/5/2 - Recon (Scoring unit in enemy deployment) +3 - Select Unit +1

There were 3 Objectives.

Brady won the roll and deferred.

Deployment and Turn 1:
Since I had to deploy and take first turn, I set up castled in the corner and Scout moved the CCS Valkyrie hoping to bait him across the board to give me time to shoot when he comes in.
He got his drop; Fateweaver, DP Tzeentch, Plaguebearers, Flamers. He took the bait and put Fateweaver, DP Tzeentch and Plague bearers next to the Valkyrie and the Flamers on my flank to get some tanks.
He immobilzed and destroyed the HF Turret Chimera.
He immobilized the Valkyrie.

Objectives 1-0 me.

Turn 2:

I double Demolisher the Flamers...they disappear.
I deploy the CCS and put a couple of wounds on the DP Tzeentch.
The Valkyrie takes out a Plaguebearer and puts a wound on both Fateweaver and DP Tzeentch.
The Executioner takes all but 2 of the rest of the Plaguebearers.
Chimera ML's harass the Fateweaver to no effect.

Khorne Bloodletters and Changeling squad come in...
He takes all of the MG CCS and puts a two wounds on the CCS Commander with Breath and other shooting.
The remaining 2 Plaguebearers tie up the CCS.

Objectives 1-0 me.

Turn 3:

I shuffle some Demolishers and Chimeras to get better shots.
The Executioner, Valkyrie and 1 Demolisher take some Khorne Bloodletters.
The other Demolisher takes out some Pink Horrors.
Chimera ML puts a wound on Fateweaver.

CCS stall again.

Fateweaver protects the dirty little demons...

He gets his DP Khorne in. All in now...
He explodes the Valkyrie killing the CCS in the explosion.
He plays Hide and Seek with the rest of the units.

Objectives 1-0 me.

Turn 4:
I shuffle some Demolishers and move the Chimera out to get position on the other 2 Objectives.
The Executioner takes out the Plaguebearers and some Khorne Bloodletters.
One Demolisher takes out some Khorne Bloodletters.
The Changeling forces the other Demolisher to immobilize my Chimera...stupid.
The Vets deploy and move toward the left objective and harrasses Fateweaver to no effect.

He shuffles to get the left objective and stay with Fateweaver distance.
He immobilizes the other Chimera.
The Khorne Bloodletters take out the Vet squad and consolidate toward the left objective.

Objectives 1-1

Turn 5:
My battery died...
I deploy the Vet squad right to run towards the Objective.
I take out the DP Tzeentch and the remaining Khorne Bloodletters.

He moves his DP Khorne towards the right objective.
He jumps Fateweaver towards my objective.
He wrecks both Chimeras and the Demolisher then assaults the obj Vet squad wiping them out.
His DP Khorne assaults the right Vet squad wiping them out.

Objectives 0-1 him.

Turn 6:
With the only remaining troops choice being the Changeling and two Pink Horrors on the objective I try for a Draw...
The Executioner tries to take out the DP Khorne...down to 1 wound...crap!
One last Demolisher shot takes out the Changeling squad with a direct hit...they fail all 3 Inv saves!

He tries to pick up some more KP...

End result DRAW with 5/5 and 4/8 KP putting me in 4th place after round 2.

Fateweaver is a difficult list to tackle. The only issue I had was Changeling and his it usable vs multiple units in 24" or just one??? The consensus at the tourney was multiple units within 24"...


  1. Per the FAQ

    Q. The Changeling’s ‘Glamour of Tzeentch’ says:
    ‘Pick any enemy unit that is visible to the
    Changeling and is about to fire.’ Was this
    intended to affect EVERY enemy unit that fires
    within 24" of the Changeling or was it supposed
    to be limited to only one enemy unit per
    Shooting phase?
    A. Just one unit

    THat's usually why I don't bring it personally since the odds are against it working the one time you use it. Per turn.

  2. Thanks C. I thought it was only one...but when they don't bring the current FAQ for their army...I need to print out all of the FAQ's.

    The Changeling's multiple Glamour really wrecked my Mech IG...

  3. It would be awesome ability if it worked on everything all turn.... wait.. you know that =P


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