Sunday, May 29, 2011

CAG BASH 2011 Games 1, 2 & 3

I had a great time this year. I didn't place like I wanted but the competition has stepped up and is overall stronger than it was last year. "That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Makari held a great event again this year. Cherry Darling had her act together and kept everything inline. Good job to both of them! They will get pics of the event up and I will follow up here.

Game 1 vs Black Templar:
My opponent was Charles Statt, he goes by Lazycorpse on the forums.
A great opponent with a strong list. He said he was new to the game and his play would show that. I tried not to take advantage of his skill level and we had a great game. He had a number of rules questions and he told me at the end of the day our game helped him in his other two games.

Mission was Salvaging Scorched Earth
Primary - d3+2 Obj we got 3. He put 2 on either side of his board. I put 1 close to my quarter.
Secondary - Table Quarters.
Tertiary - VP greater than 750 more than opponent.
Tactical Bonuses: +1 if Scoring contrlled Quarters, +1 if opponent controlled no Objectives. +1 opponent had 3 or less units left.

See my list here.

His list:
Emporer's Champion - Abhor the Witch
3x Initiate x5 units LasC ;  Razorback TL LasC, PotMS
3x Destructor Predators, PotMS
Ven Dread TL LasC - Tankhunter
Sword Brethren Termies x5 2 CycML - Tankhunter
3x Typhoon Speeders

Frankly, when I stepped up to the table and saw his list I thought I was in trouble.

He won the roll and I failed to Seize.
He castled up in his quarter and would essentially be there all game. He put his Termies and Speeders behind the large piece of terrain in his quarter essentially putting them out of the game unitl I game them something.
I deployed maximizing cover from his LOS.

Note: His Deployment and subsequent Movement was his only real mistake. His DICE would fail him all game and win the game for me...I told him the Movement phase was the most important in the game.

Turn 1:
His Shooting phase from the beginning would tell the tale for the game. If he could hit with his TL weapons he couldn't pen AV12 and if he did manage a Glance or Pen he would Shake/Stun me.
My Shooting was quite the opposite. I was dead on with my Scatters and my Multi-Lasers would be wrecking his Razorbacks and side armor Predators.
From turn 1 I controlled 1 of the 3 Obj. The 2nd was on its way to my control and the 3rd was in his deployment zone 4th level of terrain.

He failed to do anything on his turn.

I sent a Vet squad up left flank behind cover to capture the left side Obj.
I brought the CCS up centrally.
Vets controlled the center.
Lemans presented a strong center left flank.

Turn 2:
He moved up a little but failed to do anything major except Stun or Shake a few Chimeras.
I brought Vets/Vendetta and CCS/Vendetta on right flank to deal with the Speeders and Termies, keeping them occupied for the game.
I dropped two of the Speeders, Wrecked center Pred and killed a Termie.
I popped a Razorback and killed all but EC and LasC Initiate in the center.
I stunned 1 Razorback and 1 Predator.

Turn 3:
His shooting would Shake a Vendetta.
He assaulted the CCS with his Dread. I couldn't do anything to it...I didn't get my Krak for this Tourney...5 pt fail on my part.

I brought the last Vet/Vendetta on left flank corner.
I moved the Vets up the left flank to capture the Obj.
I moved the Vets up the right flank and popped the last Speeder.
I popped a Razorback, killed all of the Initiates, popped a Pred, and killed the EC and LasC Initiate.
I Shook the Pred center left.

Turn 4:
He moved the last Razorback right and deployed to get into terrain on his Obj.
The Ven Dread killed the CCS and consolidated towards the Vendetta.
I killed 2 of the 3 Initiates in cover, they ran within 6" of my Vendetta.
I popped the last Pred.

Turn 5:
He wiped the Vets on the right side with the Termies.
The Ven Dread moved to assault the Vendetta, failing to do anything.

I moved the Vendetta behind the Ven Dread.
I moved the CCS Chimera up center.
I moved the Center Vendetta to position on the Initiate falling back.
I Stunned the Ven Dread, killed 2 more Initiates leaving 1, Stunned the last Razorback.

Turn 6:
He moved the Termies on the right popping the Vendetta.
His Initiate regrouped and ran for cover.

I moved the CCS Chimera up center.
I popped the last Razorback, Immobilzed the Ven Dread, killed 2 more Termies and the lone Initiate.

My MISTAKE for the game was not getting the CCS out of the Chimera and running to claim Quarters. Would have changed my ranking for the and learn.

Win for me, 21-0, good start to the day.
It would have been 31-0 which would have helped me against my round 2 opponent.
Instead I played Josh...he is 5-0 against me now.

Game 2 vs Tau:
I played Josh Muennich. A great guy who is highly competitive and always brings his 'A+ Game'.
He has been asked to join Martial Law.
He was playing his winning Iron Builder Tau which has won many Best Painted awards, including the Ian Villamagna Best Painted award for the Tourney. Congrats Josh, Ian would be proud.

Mission was Kill Them All
Pitched Battle
Primary - Annihilation modified KP (HQ 5, EL 3, FA 2, HV 2, TR 1, Dedicated Transports same as FOC slot).
Secondary - Eliminate all Troops.
Tertiary - VP greater then 500 more than opponent.
Tactical Bonuses: Auto if no slot for opponent. No surviving +1 Fast, +1 Heavy, +1 Elite.

His list from memory:
Crisis Leader with Bodyguard
Crisis Leader Lonewolf
3 units of 3 Crisis
2 units of 15 Kroot/Hounds mix
1 unit Fire Warriors in Devilfish
3 Piranha
3 units of 2 Broadsides

I won the roll and deployed across the board strong left flank.
He failed to Seize.
I didn't take many pics of this game. I was tired from the night before and since I screwed myself thinking the Secondary was Primary, by the end of turn 3 it was over for me anyway.

Note: Children are great but SLEEP is much needed the night before a Tourney. Not making excuses just dealing with what life gives you...

Always a hard game against Josh. He is a great opponent and uses his Tau like a scalpel.
Loss for me 5-28.

Game 3 vs Daemons - FateCrusher
I played a great guy named Kevin from Kentucky. His Daemons were stunning. This is the 3rd Daemon army from that area that was fantastic to look at with conversions and painting.

Mission was Search and Destroy
Diagonal Pitched Battle
Primary - Central Obj.
Secondary - Elimination - Most KP.
Tertiary - 3 Scatter Obj.
Tactical Bonuses: +1 Most exp unit not fleeing or dead, +1 No HQ lost, +1 Control 2 Obj, +1 2 Troops alive

His list:
DP Nurgle
DP Tzeentch
3 units of 5 Plaguebearers
3 units of Bloodcrushers (5,5,4 - allocated)

Deployment and Turn 1:
He won the roll and deferred to me.
I deployed castled in left corner with everything on the board. Made a Chimera/Terrain bubble 15" from my Lemans and Vendettas. Ratlings in the top left terrain.
All 3 Obj scattered towards my quarter.

He got his Primary wave.
Fateweaver, Bloodthirster, DP Tzeentch and 1 Bloodcrusher unit came down on target. DP Nurgle scattered into the only impassable terrain on the board. I put him far corner opposite me keeping him out for at least 3 turns.
He didn't have much shooting...2 Bolts, nothing. He would roll 1's to hit on BS 5 for the game.

Turn 2:
I put a wound on Fateweaver.
Killed 4 Bloodcrushers and 1 wound on remaining model.
Put 3 wounds on Bloodthirster.
Put 2 wounds on DP Tzeentch.

He got 1 unit of Bloodcrushers in on target.
He assaulted the 3 Chimeras, wrecking 1 and Shook/Stunned the other 2...

Turn 3:
Vets got out of Shook/Stunned rides.
Shuffled backfield.
Vets put 1 wound on DP Tzeentch.
CCS killed Bloodthirster.
Vets killed last Bloodcrusher, put a wound on Fatweaver.
Vendettas and Lemans killed 2 Bloodcrushers and 1 wound on remaining 3 models.

He got all units of Plaguebearers in on target or little scatter.
He assaulted the Chimeras again, wrecking all of them...still got a roadblock!
Fateweaver jumped over going for the Lemans...Shook the Demolisher.

Turn 4 and 5:
Concentrated fire killed Fateweaver, 3 units of Plaguebearers down to 1 model each, 3 Bloodcrushers, DP Tzeentch and put 3 wounds on DP Nurgle.

He got his last unit of Bloodcrushers in center.
He wiped 2 Vets in assault...damn Nurgle.

Again concentrated fire finished the DP Nurgle, remaining Plaguebearers and brought the Bloodcrushers to 1 model with 1 wound.

Win for me MAX pts 34-0. Nice end to the day.
We had some beers during the game and he said this was the first he was tabled by Shooting.
All in a good game.
I ended up 8th place out of 26.

See full results here.
I was still surprised I was the ONLY Imperial Guard there.

Thanks again to my 3 opponents for a good day.


  1. Great write up!
    I really appreciate your taking the time to help my skills out, definitely a better player with each passing game.

    I really wish my dice hadn't completely failed me, I would have liked to have been a better opponent,or at least a more challenging one.

    I'd love to have another game against you, but I'm still working on making a better list.

  2. Nice report Edge, Nice pics also I didn't notice you had a camera that day.

  3. Thanks guys.

    LC if you want a rematch I am up for it, let me know when and where...


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